सोमवार, 18 जुलाई 2016


                            GRANTING ‘PERSONHOOD’ TO NATURE

  New Zealand has accorded ‘personhood’ to a National park after discussions with the representatives of the Maori community, the original inhabitants of the country, and recognition to ‘Whanganui river’ is in the process. Mauris believe that ” I am the river and the river is me”. A lofty thought , though difficult to imbibe by us.

      Essentiality of Nature in our lives was acknowledged by the earliest Humanity and which resulted in the worship of Nature known as Pantheism . People identified God  in Nature. In India we have been worshipping Surya ( sun ), Yavu ( wind ), The Moon ( Som ) ,Vanaspati ( vegetation ). It was acknowledged that Nature and Man were complimentary and  therefore would have to compliment each other. We however devastated nature for our  need, greed and comfort. Our scriptures too talk of harmony with nature. The ‘Shanti Path’ which is recited on completion of all religious ceremonies and specially  after the completion of ‘Havan’ ( yajya ) asks for ‘Shanti’ ( peace ) with vegetation ( Shanti -Vanaspataya ) and Herbs ( Shanti Aushadhaya ) among other things. Like the Maoris we in India have been worshipping our rivers , Ganga is sacred to us, and is believed to cleanse all our sins. Extensive clanship plans are underway. Saraswati was an ancient river and we endeavour to revive its search , so close we consider it to culture, civilization and culture. The river Indus is invoked to praise our ancient civilization. The area in Leh where it flows from Himalyas and moves to Pakistan is visited in large number , even though it is a tiny stream. In areas of India where Ganga does not flow people  consider the rivers of that area as revered such as Narmada in Madhya Pradesh and Krishna and Kaveri in South.

     In the West too numerous Philosophers have contributed toward the criticality of Nature in our lives. And yet its devastation continues with equal zeal. Recently Al Gore the  Ex Vice President  of the USA and our own scientists Shri Pachauri were awarded the Nobel price for Peace for their study on global warming. The problem is that developed Nations do not want to lower their standards created by exploiting Nature but want others to follow. Among the early thinkers John Muir of USA devoted his life for Nature he said ,” nature’s choice in making animals and plants might possibly be first of all the happiness of each one of them , not the creation of all for the happiness of one ……The universe would be incomplete without man ; but it would also be incomplete without the smallest trans-microscopic  creature that dwells beyond our conceitful  eyes and knowledge..”
     There was also contradiction  in the approaches to preservation of nature as the debate would be on as to how much to take and how much to save. That is  how to sustain nature and how to sustain man ; his economic sustenance. Our Upnishads state that that we should take only that much from nature that is required, but that never happens. This step to accord ‘personhood’ to rivers and ‘nature parks’ is an ideological step forward. A step which states that man and nature are  one and not different . It differs from the existing  idea that there is equality among man, plants and animals. But, by saying that” I am the river and the river is me” we move a step forward and  say that if I destroy river I destroy myself. In order to accord it  importance they have given a legal sanction. It is possible to implement such rules  in New Zealand where very few people stay and where all the plants and animals  have been introduced!

   However; the above is a noble idea; but we are still struggling with ’Swachh Bharat’!!

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