The Badminton World Federation has passed a rule that the Women Badminton players will be required to wear skirts in order to play Badminton at International events. This rule is framed apparently to make Badminton more popular. There has been sharp criticism of this new rule from both, the players as well as those associated with the game. The intent behind such a move is evident from the recent news published in the Asian Age of 23 May the news titled ‘ Wear skirts, earn more money, says world body’ . Paisan Rangsikitpho , deputy President of the governing Badminton World Federation
( B W F ) , said , “ The reason we want the skirt regulation is to promote women’s events which are getting less and less popular”. He further said that the bottom line is “ They could earn more sponsorship and more money”.
Sports as a platform to promote corporate and capitalists Aims has been firmly established for many years. We are witnessing its most profound !! manifestation in the Indian Premier League where sportspersons are bought and sold under a hammer. For the sake of money we have allowed ourselves to be sold as commodities. The culture of ‘ cheer leaders’ associated with glitz and glamour has not only robbed sports of its soul but has made it elitist . Sports were introduced in the society to generate a healthy spirit of togetherness and competitiveness to generate good health and camaraderie it also offered lively entertainment and channelized the violent tendencies of humans. The onset of capitalism and the advent of Television which covers every nook and corner of the world has propelled sports to such a level that it has become a vehicle to promote products and is not only linked to sports gear but to many consumer items. Such is the lure of money that Indian politicians control most of the popular sports in order to further their economic and social clout, bitter electioneering is conducted to maintain their hold and ex sportspersons are relegated to peripheral management as the prime seats are occupied by management experts chosen by the political masters.

The Badminton World Federation has passed a rule that the Women Badminton players will be required to wear skirts in order to play Badminton at International events. This rule is framed apparently to make Badminton more popular. There has been sharp criticism of this new rule from both, the players as well as those associated with the game. The intent behind such a move is evident from the recent news published in the Asian Age of 23 May the news titled ‘ Wear skirts, earn more money, says world body’ . Paisan Rangsikitpho , deputy President of the governing Badminton World Federation
( B W F ) , said , “ The reason we want the skirt regulation is to promote women’s events which are getting less and less popular”. He further said that the bottom line is “ They could earn more sponsorship and more money”.
Sports as a platform to promote corporate and capitalists Aims has been firmly established for many years. We are witnessing its most profound !! manifestation in the Indian Premier League where sportspersons are bought and sold under a hammer. For the sake of money we have allowed ourselves to be sold as commodities. The culture of ‘ cheer leaders’ associated with glitz and glamour has not only robbed sports of its soul but has made it elitist . Sports were introduced in the society to generate a healthy spirit of togetherness and competitiveness to generate good health and camaraderie it also offered lively entertainment and channelized the violent tendencies of humans. The onset of capitalism and the advent of Television which covers every nook and corner of the world has propelled sports to such a level that it has become a vehicle to promote products and is not only linked to sports gear but to many consumer items. Such is the lure of money that Indian politicians control most of the popular sports in order to further their economic and social clout, bitter electioneering is conducted to maintain their hold and ex sportspersons are relegated to peripheral management as the prime seats are occupied by management experts chosen by the political masters.
It is also reported that the advise to go for skirts was rendered by a marketing firm by the name of ‘Octagon’ which confirms the purpose of the change. What is most hurting is that these marketing firms have embarked to convert sports of skill to a mere skin show where they intend to lure wide ranging customers! to watch the skirts fly rather than appreciate the game. We tend to forget but must remind ourselves that the culture of sports in the communist bloc countries of the era gone by was indeed worthy of emulation which made the communist countries foremost in Olympics for many years. The countries achieved high ranking results in many disciplines with the support of State mechanism and not by the corporate cunning.
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