शनिवार, 18 जुलाई 2009


Provision of food remains one of the key activities in human and animal kingdom.Societies from tribal to the most civilized and cultured have 'food' part of its integral identity. Traditionally in all societies mothers and wives cook and serve food. Similar is the way in animal kingdom as well.It is believed that it is the lioness which provides food. The lion protection.Modern civilization has developed variety of food by multinational firms, devised efficient cooking , preserving and distribution methods.Set hygiene standards/ quality controls ( HACCP,ISO ETC ).Stringent checks have been introduced globally for food safety.
However it is the culture of food and the intimacy involved with which truly affects all humans.The manner in which it is presented .The menu and recipe. the combination of colours, accompaniments etc.the most important part is serving.we all long to be served despite our varying station and status in society. even the solitary farmer toiling in the fields under the harsh sun awaits the arrival of his mate at noon to be served the frugal meal they can afford ,but the presence of your loved one beside you compensates for all adequacies.it gives much psychological boost.often we do not realize the importance of such a need but do feel the loss
when such a support is missing.therefore as we require such emotional sustenance so do our mothers and wives whom we take for granted

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