गुरुवार, 23 अप्रैल 2015


                     A   STINGING SLAP OF THE   ‘REAL’   AAM  AADMI

Gajendra Singh the farmer from Dausa , Rajasthan  who committed suicide in New Delhi on 22April during the rally of the Aam Aadmi party has shocked the  Nation and revealed  the complacency of the urban centric political parties. He; in his sacrifice has given a stinging slap to all the politicians and bureaucrats who are actually collectively thick  skinned. People were  known to commit suicide in metropolitan areas owing to loneliness, depression failure in business/love etc but the problem has shifted to rural areas since the launch of the liberalization in early nineties. Lakhs of farmers have committed suicide , the primary reason being unable to pay the debt due failure of crop / cash crop. And nobody seem to learn from the tragedy as the main political parties were busy through the day to milk political mileage from it.
    Gandhiji had written and advocated of the ‘Village Republic’ wherein each village would be a self sufficient entity but our new Sarkar propagates of 100 smart cities! Where will they make the cities? On the graves of the farmers ! By thrusting the Land acquisition bill with all the means under command!
The farmers are the most vulnerable community, they need protection  as they cannot mobilize themselves  the way the industry workers do, owing to the inherent economic and environmental insecurities they are unable to sustain their movement for long. Rural life is difficult and those of us who have sympathy with their cause are unable to spend time amidst them as our romantic notions  fade  when the brutal rural reality hits us . Journalists fleet around the place during election campaigns, very few committed journalists sustain their concern P Sainath is one name  whose seminal work in the book ‘Every body loves a good draught’ is much revered.
 Gajendra Singh threw a suicide note prior to his taking his own life; the last  words were “ Jai Jawan Jai Kisan” . He saluted the two communities serving selflessly the Nation and being  ignored ! He travelled to the seat of power to make himself hear!!

It is reported that he was recipient of many awards for tying  Pagri in various styles . His handsome face and colourful Pagri will haunt us for long; hope it results in some change of heart and mind  -for the good of the farmers!

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