Cinema is changing as the society is , the availability of information has made things easy for those who intend to work in details. The technology has made it possible to recreate 'History 'as the maker intends to present. Earlier it was cumbersome to present history; the past, for want of Budget and technology, events were 'broad brushed' as going into depth was neither possible nor was the audience mature , educated and homogenous to appreciate it. The 'Television', 'Internet' 'Mobile phones' have not only made the world 'Flat' but 'small' too! Though commerce is still the prime mover of popular cinema and its bane, the refinement in the field of 'Art Direction', 'Special effects', 'Sound' and 'Research' have activated imagination and vision. The American Cinema is offering us 'Lincoln' and 'King's Speech' and 'Avatar'- exploring the breadth and depth of the past and future! What can we do in India?
We too are widening
our approach and subjects. We have made 'Paan Singh Tomar', 'Bhaag Milkha
Bhag', 'Ram Lila' and a film on 'Mohenjo Daro' has been announced but we need
to do more and take on historical
subjects to present to our audience
certain 'Dramatic path breaking events/
incidents' from our 'Freedom
Struggle' which have shaped our present and continue to do our future too. The
most successful film of the modern period was on 'Gandhi 'by Richard
Attenborough, but that was many years behind. I have some subjects in mind for
Choura'. This could be the film on the
'non cooperation ' movement, the first such movement which Gandhi launched in the
early 1920s. Many people left their secure jobs, many left school, it alerted
the British, it motivated Bhagat Singh. However it turned violent when a mob
set fire to the 'Police station' at 'Chouri Choura' near Gorakhpur, killing 22 police men as a
retaliation to the killing of one of its men. Gandhiji; withdrew the movement
making many angry and frustrated as the movement had gathered momentum.
This was a unique way to
continue with the freedom struggle devised by the Mahatma; a symbol of 'Economic Nationalism'. There was lull
in the agitation against the British and when they decided to tax salt Gandhi
found reason to break the law by making salt at various places in India and
court arrest thereafter. Gandhi himself lead the march from Sabarmati ashram to
the sea front near the coastal village of Dandi covering 240 miles; he united
the people on the way. This was part of the civil disobedience movement of the
1930s and shook the British Empire. Salt concerns all; and he united the Nation
on the subject of Salt; a practical lesson on Economic Nationalism!

(C) 'Quit india'. This was the last call of Gandhi before the Independence and the slogan 'Karo ya Maro' ( Do Or Die) was given by him. He told the British to Grant freedom to India if they wanted the whole hearted support of the Nation against the Fascists in the' Second World War'. The movement was launched from the 'Gowalia Tank Maidan' of Mumbai now famous as the 'August Kranti maidan'. The British responded by arresting the Congress leadership swiftly, lakhs of people were arrested, the movement finally convinced the Raj that there days were numbered.

(D) 'Swarajya'. This could be the story of Balgangadhar Tilak, popularly known as 'Lokmanya Tilak'. In the early 20th century and when Gandhi was in SouthAfrica there were two groups in the Congress- the 'Extremists' and the 'Moderates'. The Extremists were for the violent agitation against the British and was lead by the three fire brands popularly known as Bal, Pal and Lal meaning Bal Gangadhar Tilak of the Maharashtra, Bipin Chandra Pal of the Bengal and Lala Lajpat Rai of the Punjab. The moderates were Gokhle , Phirojshah Mehta who were for negotiations and constitutional reforms. He organized mass celebration of 'Ganesh Chaturthi Feastival' and used the occasion to unite the people against the Foreign rule . He took out two Marathi newspapers-"Maratha' and 'Kesri'. He was arrested for carrying out seditious articles in his papers and sentenced to long term in jail which he accepted willingly. He gave the slogan' Freedom is my Birthright'( Swarajya Hamara Janmsidha Adhikar Hai)

(E) 'Nehru-Aur Bose' Both Nehru and Bose were Great Leaders and contributed tremendously to the Freedom; each in his own way. The journey of Bose out of India and formation of 'Azad Hind Fauz' and thereafter fighting along with Japanese against British is part of the National history and motivates people beyond party lines. However what is not talked much is the role of Bose in the Congress, his differences with Gandhi and Nehru, how he ,despite being popular and winning the Presidential elections in the Haripura Congress made way for Gandhi. Nehru has published the exchange of letters between him and Bose in his collection of letters 'A Bunch of Letters' and it makes very interesting reading and material for a film concentrating on the relationship between Nehru and Bose!
(F) Uprising. In Feb 1946 the Naval sailors in Bombay revolted apparently on food and living conditions, but the motivation was the freedom struggle, the I N A trials , Subhash Chandra Bose the Left ideology etc. It was for a few days only but covered a large number of ships and establishments and thousands of sailors were involved. The ' BombayMutiny' as it was called at that time had the local support of the Bombay people , the Police and they went out in Lorries. They were connected to each other by good communication network. The Congress and the Muslim League criticized the Revolt but The Communist party of India supported it. Sardar Patel arrived In Mumbai and counseled the revolting sailors and their leaders and the revolt was calmed. However, the sailors were put on trial and some Court Martials also happened. It was debated that whether it is correct for the Armed forces to Revolt in such circumstances? The other view was that for a slave Nation all means to attain freedom are fair. This was the argument which Bhulabhai Desai gave in Defence of the officers of the I N A during their trial. Many years later the Government re- nomenclatured the' Mutiny' as 'The Naval Uprising' and a memorial in remembrance of the sailors who participated is now erected in Colaba; Mumbai.
Salaam. The contribution of Left ideology to the
freedom struggle is significant. Many were part of the Congress and were part
of the group called the 'Congress Socialists', EMS Namboodripad , Jaiprakash
Narayan , Narendra Dev are few such names. Some were outside and were involved
in the Industrial Unions such as AITUC ( All India Trade Union Congress), which
had the support of the Congress and Lala Lajpat Rai presided its first session
in 1928. There were other leaders of imminence such as P C Joshi, his wife
Subhadra Joshi, SA Dange, Ajoy Ghosh. Many were arrested in the famous 'Meerut
conspiracy' case and since the British were aware of the impact of the 'Russian
Revolution' they banned the Communist Party and the movement suffered a jolt in
the late twenties when many of its leaders were in Jail. In order to instill ideology among the people
Art and Culture was adopted as means by P C Joshi the first Secretary General
of the Communist Party of India and I P T A ( Indian people's Theater Movement)
was born in Bombay. Khwaja Ahmad Abbas, Balraj
Sahni, Kaifi Azmi, Salil Chowdhary,Majrooh Sultanpuri, Josh Malihabadi
were part of it. There was commitment of high order, sense of sacrifice,
hardship.The group made many creative and motivating plays, songs and some
films too. Many stayed in a commune at Andheri with limited means. The IPTA spread
to many cities and was popular in Bengal too. There was 'Progressive Writers'
Association' formed In 1934 by Sajjad

Zahir, which was Presided
by Premchand. The movement suffered when the Secretary General of CPI was
changed and B T Randev became the head , he followed an aggressive policy.
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