Last year when Arvind Kejriwal announced the Aam Aadmi Party, he also parted ways with his mentor Anna Hazare. At that moment many of us who had whole heartedly wished for the success of the Lokpal movement sided with Anna in his opinion that entering politics was a dirty game! Even after he formed his party,we did not give him much chance and pitied the path he had undertaken. When he made 'The Broom' as his election symbol we laughed at his self righteousness and lack of imagination. The first indicator of his acceptance by the people were the opinion polls, at that juncture he made us stood up to notice him, amusingly. I; though welcomed the indicator but never gave him more than 10 seats. However he has proved us wrong . He is now the chief minister of New Delhi.
success has kindled new hope among
the citizens who were trapped in the tyranny of the traditional
political parties.
he change the rules of the Game;seems so. There seems to be hope
suddenly. All these years we were nurtured by the stagnant ideas of
the mainstream politicians and parties, and had therefore looked for
relief within that limited space . Arvind has opened a whole lot of
new ways/paths for us. We had accepted corruption as a way of life, the VIP culture; culture which
swallows so much of our money, security and manpower;with one stroke
he has rubbished it! We
were groomed to the diktat of the bureaucracy; their tantrums ;that
too may change. We had considered it as our destiny that majority of
the politicians will
from political families,very
rich or criminals with clout; that too may alter. And many other
things may too?
Kejriwal has arrived on the ideology of 'Honesty' and 'clean
Administration'. He has made deeply entrenched political ideologies
and even the politics of the Left parties questionable. The issues raised by Kejriwal should
have been raised
the Left parties but they failed to read the changing times and the
mind of the masses. Sorry is their bookish tendency which has
disillusioned many sympathizers, who now see hope in Kajriwal.
eyes are on the Parliament now, can he be successful there? Indeed he
may. He may first contest all urban and semi-urban seats, pick up
candidates with impeccable record from all walks of life( already his
team has embarked on the task ;so we hear). He should not discount
the rural areas, our perception that they vote on caste lines may be
wrong. People have voted on secular and development agenda in the
assembly elections in Bihar and other states. Organizational
abilities and exploiting the 'e' system is his forte which can
compensate for the lack of resources. There would be Bee line among
aspirants and experienced to join his party and he has to be careful
of the 'Trojan horse'.
Arvind in his new Avtaar will soon embark on National stage he will
have to take stand on many tricky issues such as 'communalism'
'secularism', 'FDI', and other economic issues. He will have to spell
out his stand on US! And foreign policy matters. He will have to dispel the existing notion that no political party can rule without the blessings of the Industrialists. He will have to device an economic policy of 'balance' between the corrupt and seemingly efficient Right and frugal and sluggish Left. His core competency is 'honesty' which propagates 'simplicity' and therefore reduction in 'consumerism' and 'consumption'. He;therefore will also have to control the ambitions of the middle class by propagating a balanced ideology on 'economics'.
he our new Gandhi? I want him to be one! Though Gandhi was more involved in
mass movement, Kejriwal will have to prove as an Administrator.
Seeing the state of our polity I am sure Gandhi too would have jumped
in the fray to redeem the Nation. Watching the reaction of the
political parties who are quickly embarking on self cleansing mission
it is evident that they have been shaken! We will wait for their
dismantlement. Eradication of Dynasty! Eradication of communalism .
Eradication of criminals ! Both
financial and social.
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