गुरुवार, 7 नवंबर 2013


                                HINDI - FORTNIGHT

14 September is devoted as 'Hindi Day' in Government Offices and Organizations . The first and second fortnights of September are devoted to the propagation of Hindi. An Organization may opt for any of the two for the purpose. One witnesses during such days Banners /Posters conveying that Hindi Pakhwara is in session from 14 to 28 Sep etc..

Why do we devote a day, a fortnight, a month in a year for something which is alive! Or is Hindi Dead? Ironically, the fortnight precedes the fortnight which is devoted by Hindus to remember their dead ancestors--- The Pitri Paksh. Do the devotees of Hindi consider it as a mercy/compensation granted to them in an era where English has triumphed it as the desire of the millions though even after 66 years of Independence not more than 6% speak the English language.
Some thoughts would be appropriate on the occasion : Firstly,no language can be propagated by imposition or by a diktat . The people should be willing to learn it on their own. Two factors play an important role in the development of a language; Language should be connected to employment/commerce/economy and there should be a genuine love for the language. However love is not enough. The case in point is of Urdu which is loved by many, but not accepted by many.

English is spoken today by millions all over the world, not because of its beauty or any other great value but because the English ruled the world. Shakespeare is known to us because of the East India Company, whereas Henrik Ibsen the great Norwegian playwright is not as famous because of the restriction of the language as Norwegians did not colonize the nations.
Proliferation of Hindi through Sarkari means has not done any good to the language . Inadvertently though,the biggest contribution to the growth of the language is through the Hindi films and songs; both old and new. People's love of Cinema!

Administration/commerce/education/economy gives fillip to the language as was the case of Persian earlier which was the Court language, and later English which fetched jobs. Hindi will continue to lag behind in the economic field but may maintain its position in the cultural field, mainly in the popular culture. Hindi does not give 'jobs' and therefore from villages to small towns to cities the 'English-medium' schools are a big business!

The Sarkari solution is three languages- English -Hindi- a regional language. It is possible if we inculcate the same from schools. Study of languages is easy from childhood, what we should generate is acceptance. But acceptance of the many languages is linked to our acceptance of each other.

Language , perhaps next to religion is the most sensitive issue among communities and remains always a highly volatile and emotional issue, the most logical people sound so illogical and unreasonable on the question of ' Language'. However the issue has remained dormant in India and the matter of Hindi has not been progressed considering the other pressing problems of the State such as economy, integration and other conflicts. Ta mil Nadu does raise the question of Hindi whenever it has problems with the Centre. Nehru's balanced and sensible approach in moving slowly in the question of Hindi has avoided aggravation of the issue.

It is indeed ironical that the people are ready to accept English as the Language of Administration and education but not adopt an Indian Language as its National Language. Till then Hindi will continue to entertain the masses with its songs and 'soap operas' !

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