शुक्रवार, 1 अप्रैल 2011



        I  am  no great cricketing fan but am often swayed by the collective emotion of the nation. Am concerned only when Tendulkar is batting as i was to hear radio commentary only when Gavaskar or Vishvanath were at crease. My response to cricket is in fact mixed. Many times I  hate it being the legacy of the English elite, at times am compelled to consider it as a unifying factor in a large and heterogeneous  Nation. Therefore when my friend offered me an invite for the Zubin Mehta show at Tata Theatre without even considering it I politely declined. I did not want to be  a bag of emotion at show  with my heart and mind at Mohali where India and Pakistan were to play the world cup semi-finals.
        At about ten thirty in the evening when finally India won the match I along with my family members heaved a sigh of relief. But; by then Mumbai had erupted, the sound of crackers, clapping and collective slogan shouting could be heard from far. In the atmosphere of jubilation I suggested to my wife and children that we should go for ice  cream to marine drive  to which they all agreed .
        On my reaching Mantralaya what I witnessed was unimaginable, there were thousands of motorcycles and hundreds of cars which had converged to marine drive in a sort of victory procession an impromptu rally appeared from nowhere and was moving collectively in joy. Some of them carried huge flags and were shouting patriotic slogans , there was this atmosphere of great culmination, and at that instance I thought  that what would have happened to all this surge of emotion had we lost the match !
       We did reach the ice- cream parlour in half an hour which normally would have taken five minutes  and I realized that had I not volunteered to visit this place I would have missed this human confluence at sea side. Marine drive in Mumbai is indeed a symbol of celebration, a few days ago the Bohra Muslims of the city had lined up at marine drive to celebrate the 100th birthday of their religious leader. But; this celebration on victory in cricket was a secular celebration and therefore was unique. It indeed is a unifying force. At  one end it helps Manmohan Singh  to divert the attention of the opposition from the increasing exposures and clandestine deals  by engaging Pakistan in cricket diplomacy and at the other end are these collection of humanity irrespective of class ,creed and colour participating in a victory being symbolised as National victory. And yet at one end are these corporate giants and celebrity  in their private jets lined up at Airport, it is reported that there were about 90 private jet Aircraft which had landed in Chandigarh they too wanted to have a piece from the publicity cake - --Vivek Oberoi, Nita Ambani and Aamir Khan.

   Once National movement such as Dandi march united the Nation today it is cricket and cinema which keeps us together.

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