बुधवार, 28 जुलाई 2010



I am stating the obvious and my observations are mere reiterations of the existing facts on the plight of rural India. We should be aware that still about 70% of India dwells in villages, the rural India as we refer to it. It also provides the food grain to the entire nation, if it slips we feel the effect. Though it should have equal share in the prosperity of the nation , but we have sidelined it to a sorry state. Farmers committing suicide was unheard of earlier despite the overall poor economy, because the poverty was not so sharp and was spread over the rural-urban areas alike . The farmers were not tempted to seek short term gains. Women and children suffering from malnutrition is the highest in rural India. They work the most and eat the least, such is the anomaly of liberalization. The stories of Munshi Premchandra depicting the rural India have not changed much, the mass of humanity is the same, though certain fruits of telecommunication, computerization are visible but fundamentals are still weak.
The urban picture specially in Metros tells a different tale; it is so ironical. My wife drew my attention to a weekly report of an ‘obese’ executive in a city Tabloid it carried the trials and tribulation of the man who was about 100kg and gradually reduced the weight to 80 kgs in six months time; though in itself the effort is noticeable, but when we compare the same with the consumption levels in villages where large number of people still starve on a regular basis and here we are in safe urban haven overfed to such an extent that ‘weight reduction’ is an industry in it self. News papers and magazines employ experts who comment daily on weight and health ideas. The best of hospitals, education and living is provided in urban areas. The gulf is unlikely to reduce in near future. The dream of Mahatma Gandhi to have a village Republic will remain on paper. Food security schemes, various rural employment schemes will be mere crumbs which will not change their lot. But; our exploitation will continue in the field of Dams and mining and poaching. Is it not tragic that the people of Tehri where the infamous Dam was constructed to generate electricity and channelize water on the river Bhagirthi receive only about 5 ltrs water per head whereas the people of Delhi receive more than 20ltrs.

Moreover the corporate march continues toward the rural areas. The creation of SEZ have provided a new asset in the corporate kitty for those who were not short of funds—land. Land acquisitions are rampant and the gullible farmers are selling their ancestral assets at astronomical price but forsaking their ‘ roots’. The downfall of our principles is to such an extent that there is plea of imminent lawyer Fali Nariman inSupreme Court that the word ‘Socialism’ should be deleted from our Constitution as the Government in last 20 years has veered away from the path of socialism by decontrolling the economy and now the market forces are more dominant and determine the trends and set the pace. He , therefore stated that the political parties need not be compelled to swear by the constitution as they will not be able to adhere to its Aims. The plea was rejected on the grounds that it is the political parties who should raise objection! That day may well be near and would indeed be the last nail on the coffin of ideals of our founding fathers. But; I am sure some worthy lawyer will raise the issue of not tampering with basic ‘structure of the constitution!’
There was a Prime minister who was sadly at helm for a short while. His slogan was “ Jai Jawan- Jai Kisan” implying that the farmer will provide and the soldier will protect. The ground reality has not changed for if the farmers will not provide the production and economy will crumble and even the soldier will not have the means to protect. But; the illusion of market economy and the culture which it has unleashed is seducing and restraining the people to adopt the right path . The farmers continue to suffer.

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