गुरुवार, 18 मार्च 2010



The two personalities who attracted my attention during the week were Baba Ramdev and Mayavati. Manifested differently the intent was same—assertion of power. Mayavati was garlanded with 1000 rupee notes amounting to 2 crores and Baba announced his programme to cleanse corruption by launching his own political party, ‘ Bharat Swabhiman’, plans are to contest all seats in the next parliamentary elections .It is indeed difficult to preserve one’s purity in public life; one does get intoxicated by the response and attention of people. Few social reformers have ventured into politics in the past , they prefer to maintain parallel paths for that is more safe and profitable; our revered Baba has decided to catch the bull by the horn! I always admired Baba for his directness of communication and liberating ‘yoga’ from the arena of few to the masses. He also restructured the approach and made ‘yoga’ user friendly. However whilst listening to his instructions I sensed this danger that he may exceed his brief and exhaust and overexpose himself. Soon, he expanded his operations to medicine to treatment with mixed results. Brinda Karat of CPM did try to confront him but was not successful. In my opinion he should have remained a yoga teacher only; a roaming preacher within the accepted image created in our culture. Medicine, hospital and publication indicated his hunger for ‘control’. This image does not correspond to the traditional picture of our ‘yogis’ who preach and teach and leave; for basking in public attention was against their ideology. Baba has broken that mould and therefore remains Baba no more. From here his image will only dilute and decline. Finally he too has been trapped in MAYA !
The subtext of Maya’s script remains same to that of Baba—test of one’s power. These demonstration may appear abrasive and arrogant but are well thought and not spontaneous gestures. By garlanding Maya her party and supporters sent the message to the rival parties that what you do onside we do in the open and are you strong enough to take charge of us? Subconsciously it is releasing its anger and frustration of years and years of subjugation. It is challenge for a battle for they know that they are not inferior anymore. Democracy presents itself in various ‘Avatars’ Maya’s is one such. I don’t agree with her but I understand her. It will take time for the collective anguish of the oppressed to be pacified till then we will continue to witness such pompous and loud displays. An elephant is strong, intelligent and long lasting.

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