शुक्रवार, 12 फ़रवरी 2010



The release of ‘ My Name is Khan’ has been affected by the agitation of Shiv Sena , it is indeed a partial victory for the party as they have been once again successful in demonstrating their brute might on the city. However in my estimate the last round ( reel) is yet to be played. This morning Shahrukh’s statement appeared in news ,it said “ My stardom is transient.( But) my integrity is non-negotiable—my being Indian unquestionable—what happens with the release of the film, is the film’s fate”.The words convey maturity and sincerity of high order. What is to be seen in days to come is how Shahrukh converts the extended sympathy, fondness and of course respect that he has earned is converted into far reaching benefits to him and society. The film will definitely benefit commercially all over the world ( it’s a global release) and losses of Mumbai will be compensated by the surge of solidarity for his film to which many non movie goers will also contribute. Shahrukh will be seen as the sane face in the ongoing conflict and crisis arising out of terrorism and its subversion by the west and America .In my assessment he has the potential, but will he take the plunge to moderate the situation. In India too Congress will provide him with full freedom and platform to take on the communal parties. He may even become the symbol of Hindu – Muslim, unity and would overshadow Rahul Gandhi ( or am I imagining too far).
The choice is for Shahrukh to make, will he retreat to films and find shelter in the cosiness of his stardom or move forward to to more murkier arena of politics as history offers few such opportunity.

Many years ago a lawyer of Indian origin was thrown out of a train in South Africa for being dark skinned. He resolved to restore dignity of his slave nation and was successful.

As I file my report the news of multiplexes standing upto the threat and showing the movie has started appearing. The shows are full they say. well! The show must go on !. But will Shahrukh keep his tryst with destiny which beckons him expectantly?

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