शुक्रवार, 18 दिसंबर 2009



The President of the French Republic Mr Sarkojy made a very bold and undiplomatic comment about a month ago on wearing of burkha by muslim women by stating that it reflected backwardness. It seemed a comment loaded with ideology for goodness as perceived by the President.However,I was amazed by such a statement from a politician of our times. One noted that even though as head of State the leader should be sensitive to the culture of minority he chose to speak his mind and therefore was a serious propagator of social reforms even if it meant displeasing many. However his recent reported remarks on ‘ religious ostentatations’ reflected his shortsightedness wherin he stated that he will oppose those who challenge the ‘christian roots and republic’ of France. Such a strong statement do not behove a President of a State which has set standards in modern society and therefore made him a commoner . Like any citizen he too was protective of his religious roots and therefore was opposed to the social symbols of other religions. For a moment I saw no difference between him and our rightist politicians who talk of safeguarding of Hindu religion. .And one wonders as to what is superior ‘Religion’ or ‘Republic’. Does republic stands on religious foundation or on Secular principles? And the foundation of French Republic is based on the slogan of French Revolution – ‘Equality-Liberty- Fraternity’.
It is indeed ironical that it was the same France which gave political asylum to Ayatullaha Khomeni who set up an Islamic regime in Iran. But; then France had tradition to support people’s resistant movement all over the world. We forget! That Lenin the Russian Revolutionary was in France planning his Great October Revolution after the failed attempt in 1905. The leaders of the Chinese revolution –zhow en lie was also given shelter in France.

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