मंगलवार, 10 जनवरी 2017



    Just finished with the book ‘Feroze –The forgotten Gandhi’ by Bertil Falk a Swedish writer.  I was always  keen to know more about Feroze as he has emerged as a much sympathetic character over the years; as someone who did not get his due; as someone who was victimised by the Nehru family. As I read information on him in the various references and articles my interest grew. When this bound book appeared I quickly purchased it and read it within reasonable time ( I am a slow reader).

     It is a fairly OK account of Feroze by the author largely relying on his many years of intermittent interaction with those who were close or known to Feroze. Some newspaper research. However to a Feroze watcher it may leave unsatiated. None the less  certain important information emerges which may be interesting to many and particularly to Allahabadis.

   Birth of Feroze is mired in controversy as the writer with some good research / interviews brings out that he was a  love child of Mr Kakkar ( Father of the famous  Allahabad Lawyer Shyam Nath Kakkar, -Solicitor General of India)) and  Parsi Surgeon Ms Shirin Commissariat who was unmarried. Well ! that makes Feroze half Khatri; if true. And Rajiv, Sanjay, Priyanka and Rahul Gandhis have in their DNA Khatri Characteristics! It is no where stated that Feroze was aware of this ; Was He? If yes his restlessness and complexities could be attributed to his  birth  ambiguity.
 Feroze was a weak child and did have some heart ailment as a child. However he was an active child full of energy and pranks. As student he was mediocre. He graduated from Ewing Christian College Allahabad. He was known to be charitable , largehearted  from the beginning as he would gift his expensive foreign clothes brought for him by his Aunt to poor children. Whenever he went out on vacation/tours he would return back almost empty handed as he would handover his belongings to the needy. This characteristic was his hallmark  right through his political life. Gregarious ( Dost Parast ), talkative ( sometimes loose talk), easy-going  person. He cut his political teeth during the civil disobedience movement, prior to that too he was arrested for participating in  Anti Simon commission agitation but was released after warning as his Aunt was a known person. He continued with his indulgence in anti British agitations prevalent at that time. His entry into Congrees fold was also by chance. He was sitting on the perimeter wall of Ewing Christian College when Congress women wing led by Kamla Nehru ( wife of Jawaharlal Nehru) arrived on the scene . It was a sunny afternoon and Kamla the leader of the group suddenly fainted.Feroze who was observing this group from distance in amusement rushed to the scene and offered help. The next day he went to Anand Bhawan ( the Nehru Residence ) to apologise that he was taking them lightly and met Kamla Nehru. Soon he was helping her in her organization. We must know that it was freedom struggle. The Congress Headquarters was at Swaraj Bhawan , next to Anand Bhawan, and Anaad Bhawan was Buzzing with activity day and night with the comings and goings of people.

   The relationship between Feroze and Kamla is also a high point in the book. They were close owing to being comrades in freedom struggle. But Feroze was deeply devoted to her is established from the fact that he nursed her during her fatal sickness (she died of TB) when very few were by her side and her husband was busy in his political activities or in jail.Being an able organiser he was also sought after. Nehru too has mentioned to Minoo Masani that Feroze was infatuated of Kamala, but perhaps he did not give much seriousness to their relationship. Some important workers of Congress who occupied high office after Independence mischievously put posters remarking about Feroze –Kamala relationship, but Nehru for whatever reason did not go against them.

    Feroze went to jail on many occasions during civil disobedience and Quit India movement. Keshev Dev Malviya, Lal Bahadur Shastri were his colleagues during those days .K D Malviya knew Feroze as Boy Scout where he was his senior.He gives vey positive account of him. Feroze was active in rural areas of Allahabad and was a grass root worker. What is interesting is that he was not a stereotype Parsi, but a very much Allahabadi and Ahiyapuri  ( an area of central Allahabad known for high pitched political activity, where Nehru was born and Pandit Malviya resided) to the core Kamala Prased Mohiley an important leader of Allahabad and P D Tandon have stated that he spoke hindi with a typical Ahiyapuri accent, always.

   Feroze’s marriage to Indira is also an interesting episode in both their lives. Kamla it is reported by M O Mathai was against the marriage  . Feroze had proposed to Indira when she was barely 17 , the proposal was shot down . But he was persistent despite the fact that Indira was having an affair with a German. Feroze followed Indira to England where she went for higher studies . He managed finance through his Aunt and obtained admission in London School of Economics through the contacts of Nehru. Sadly he did not complete his Degree , but was active in Congress Foreign office under Krishna Menon who brought out a pamphlet which was published by Feroze. Therefore even though he did not complete his degree he contributed to freedom struggle and his work was appreciated. During this time he was friends with Nikhil Chakraverty  ( the famous editor of ‘The Mainstream’)and T N Kaul  and other left leaning students and imbibed leftist orientation. He wooed Indira persistently and would visit her on weekends . Their relationship bloomed here and by the end phase of their stay they were living together. Nehru agreed to their marriage despite reservation and after some initial hesitation the Parsi community too agreed . However the Conservative Hindus of Allahabad had opposition but Nehru did not give much heed to them. 
  The marriage ceremony is described in great detail through many witnesses. Feroze is dressed in traditional shervani and cap and looked handsome. Indira wore a khadi saree woven by Mahatma Gandhi. She looks pretty. It is a unique vedic ritual and the priest intended to standardise the ceremony and seek recognition . Nehru agrees reluctantly and goes through the ceremony dutifully. It was Feroze who enjoyed most of ceremony ,winking and smiling at his friends. His relatives too are present. He adorns the Parsee Kushti  ( sacred thread) as  deference to his mother and aunt. The ceremony is simple without much pomp as respect to the critical phase in Indian History and the turn of power which was awaited. The couple proceed to Kashmir for long honeymoon under guardianship of Sheikh Abdullah who was a close friend of Nehru at that time.

     He is made the Managing Director of ‘The National Herald’ .The news paper launched by Pandit Nehru from Lucknow. He is not successful here and the paper continues to run in loss despite the able editorship of Chalapati Rau. Chalapati Rao has mixed opinion of Feroze. However later Feroze is successful at the Management  of ‘The Indian Express’. He is separated from his wife and children as Indira is managing the affairs at ‘Teen Murti’ the official residence of Nehru. Feroze is not happy with the situation as he is a family man and resents the absence of it in Lucknow. He has numerous extra maritial affairs, one with a Muslim lady which seriously threatened his marriage but Rafi Ahmed Kidwai ( a cabinet minister and close colleague of Nehru, who was close to Feroze too ) saves the embarrassment  to Nehru and pursues the girl’s parents to end the matter. Feroze comes out as a womaniser . This the writer states emphatically in the beginning of the book and establishes it during the course. This perhaps is one strong reason of their separation even though they remained in touch. Feroze when shifted to Delhi had his own MP’s residence but as a routine had breakfast with Nehrus.

   Feroze was lucky to be part of the Constituent assembly, by virtue of his close relationship with Pandit Pant. He contested his first election from Rai Barelli in 1952 and won with a huge majority owing to his persistent field work and maintaining  the’ common touch’. He nursed his constituency and later was successful in establishing the Degree College, and other educational institutes, Industries etc. His good work enabled him to be elected again in 1957. He started as a backbencher in Parliament but made a mark in three important matters . First the press freedom. Till that time in fifties the newspaper could not publish criticism reported in parliament through the parliament as it was known to be the privilege of the parliamentarians . He ensured that the bill was passed by which all print media , radio were free to report the entire parliamentary proceedings . With this he became the darling of the media. The second was the Nationalization of Insurance Industry/ Life Insurance corporation is the contribution of Feroze. The third was his reporting and debating of ‘Mundra case’, where it was established by a one man enquiry headed by M C Chagla that there was complacency on part of the finance minister by which the Life insurance corporation rendered loss by purchasing below par Mundra shares . The finance minister Krishnamachari had to resign owing moral responsibility. It did not sully Nehru but he did not like it.

 After his first heart attack Feroze is advised to go slow but by then he seemed to have decided to throw caution to the wind. He stopped drinking but continued to smoke. The second heart attack ended his life at the young age of 48.

    The complexity of Feroze is not dealt in detail . The writer intends to pitch him against Nehru and Indira. The instance of Kerala assembly dissolution is quoted as example when Feroze called Indira  a Fascist. But what the writer forgets that at time ‘Fascist’ was a common term and anybody with a streak or minor tendency to be authoritarian was dubbed as ‘Fascist’. Even Nehru was called Fascist by his opponents.
    After reading the book one is left a little dissatisfied as the queer lifestyle of Feroze his rise and fall was not analysed. Was his tainted descent contributory to his waywardness? Did separation from his family and devoid of love of children responsible ? It has emerged that he was  a doting father. He loved his children but expected them to work with their hands . He was technically sound and could repair radio, cars etc. He spent quality time with his boys assembling toys and making things by hand. Did the womanising tendency  in Feroze ,which was even apparent during the courtship stage drifted Indira away . It has been stated by Nikhil Chakravarty that during Feroze’s English days he would visit Indira every weekend , but also had an English girlfriend! He further states that when Feroze’s body lied in State at ‘Teen Murti’ and Indira was sitting among the mourners the girlfriends of Feroze arrived to pay respect and howled in the presence of Indira who remained silent and stiff.

     His life could be summed up as a person who contributed in freedom struggle , was a good organiser and maintained touch with common man , was sensitive to corruption, was a good parliamentarian and did not remain in the shadows of his Father in law. Was a kind hearted person , generous , large hearted with a hearty laugh. His negatives were his wayward habits, specially womanising. He surely benefitted from his relationship with Nehru, his election victory cannot be totally his . we should not forget that Nehru was loved by the masses and they would have voted for his son in Law. He was not a good son in Law . He should have held his Father-in-laws hand . Before reporting in parliament the many matters he should have discussed it with him and found equally worthy solution rather that sensationalising issues. He was being revengeful! In Parliament! Nehru sent him to London School Of Economics an opportunity which he did not utilise fully .

    What interests me is his loneliness and complexity. His being an essential Allahabadi- left  of centre, sometimes casual, good hearted,  lacking ambition, inclusive ;which could make into an interesting Dramatic Cinema!