शुक्रवार, 14 जनवरी 2011
मंगलवार, 11 जनवरी 2011
Every city has a soul, its centre of gravity, the place where its essential identity exists. The location which defines a city, where its Gods reside, which brings out the best in the place. In modern times such a place has to be secular. What is it that defines Mumbai ? Has its definition changed with the change in its name? Has narrowness taken control of her? Or still the old adage of ‘ live and let live’ prevails?
All is not lost i say as i survey to identify the location of its spirit, the soul. Is it in the vast and integrated network of ‘Dabbawallas’? they provide such an essential service so efficiently, an original Mumbai organisation which connects office workers to their homes when they receive their tiffen , the large middle class of the city is the beneficiary of this ingenuity of natives and not of some executive of Harward.
Is it in the Marine Drive sea side where the lovers forget their woes whilst they watch the sea , the sun, oblivious of their immediate difficulties as they hold their hands and rest their heads on each others shoulders. They act in such a manner at this place only, such is the magnetism of the sky the bay. It gives immense emotional relief, it momentarily liberates them whilst they sit on the pavement, the heat the waves the wind wind cannot deter their resolve to live that moment. They come from different social and economic stratas but become one at that place . This face of Mumbai is indeed unique and adds to its character.
But i think the soul of Mumbai is at the oval ground. It appears on Saturdays and blooms on Sundays as we witness multiple/countless cricket teams play all day in perfect harmony. The oval ground on Sundays represents the ‘ truth’ of Mumbai and a cursory look by any affirms the faith in the city. There is space for all those who wish to play. The playing area of each team shrinks as the day progresses for all those who enter the field are adjusted and the spirit soars. As Mumbai has encompassed all communities in search of employement so does this ground accepts all in search of recreation. This secular spectacle is indeed the soul of the city.